Saturday, December 27, 2014

Steps of Post Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Process

Third set of molars that are generally referred to as wisdom teeth becomes essential to remove if they are causing an unbearable pain because they have come up in a wrong way. If you are one of those people who are planning to get their wisdom teeth removed then there are number of things that you must remember in order to make your post wisdom teeth removal recovery procedure pleasant and safer. There are few important things that are mentioned in this article that you can keep in mind when you enter the post wisdom teeth removal recovery process after getting your wisdom teeth removed.
First of the entire most important thing whose importance cannot be over-emphasized is rest. It is a fact that human body goes under disturbance after the minor surgeries. That rest is the only way to recover from trauma or disturbance that you suffer after undergoing the surgery. So it is better to not to return to your daily normal life immediately after the surgery. A few days rest before going to the daily routine is a better decision. The second thing to remember in your post wisdom teeth removal recovery process is proper medication. You will be given one or more pain medication after getting your wisdom teeth removed. Most of the patients don’t follow the doctors instructions after getting their wisdom teeth removed because they immediately don’t feel any major pain but it necessary that you take the medication before your pain becomes bad. It will be more effective if you start the medication because it takes time to be effective.

You are to experience most likely swelling so it is better to take anti-biotic and use ice as one of the post wisdom teeth removal recovery process. Anti biotic will stop swelling and ice will reveal pain. Regularly ice the jaw as directed by the dentist to avoid brutal pain. One another important thing to avoid swelling is salt water rinsing. Taking it a number of times a day and especially before and after the meal will stop the food particles to go to the infected area.

The next step in the post wisdom teeth removal recovery process is to take care while eating. Number of people commits the mistake of eating solid food too early after the surgery and suffers the consequences because it is too dangerous.  There is a huge risk of horrible infection as solid food can blow up the protected blood clots that will be formed over the wounds. So it is always a better decision to drink liquids semi solid and soft food for many weeks after getting your wisdom teeth pulled.
You must have heard the quote precaution is better than medication. It is indeed true so you better be careful about what you put in your mouth. Avoid drinking from a straw and if you are a smoker avoid smoking for a few days because both of these things can involve pulling air forcefully in your mouth which can damage those very important blood cuts.

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